It’s time for my YouTube Music Summer Recap results! This recap officially dropped on August 24, though my Top Summer Songs playlist first popped up on August 10 (and disappeared the following day). I guess there was some kind of glitch behind the scenes.

Anyhoo, I listened to YTM for 4,467 minutes during the summer, which is almost 75 hours. That’s 1,658 minutes (or ~28 hours) fewer than in the spring. The dip is likely due to the fact that I’ve been listening to Spotify’s Daily Mixes a lot lately. YTM is harder to listen to while I’m washing dishes or whatever because I frequently have to confirm that I’m still listening and the phone’s screen has to stay on (limitations of YTM’s free plan).
Let’s dive into the specifics of what I listened to over the summer.
Top Summer Live Performance
My Top Summer Live Performance is “2 Baddies” from NCT 127. Again. For the fourth time.

When will I stop being haunted by this “2 Baddies” performance that I know nothing about?!
Top Summer Genres
My top genres are in the same order as in the spring except for #5, which has changed from Ballads to Korean hip hop. K-pop is once again at #1, though it’s up 7% from the spring. The other genres decreased by 1-2%.

The percentages still don’t add up to 100%. I count 68% here, but I still don’t know which genres make up the rest of the 100%. Not important, I guess.
Top Summer Artists
There are some exciting shake-ups with my Top Artists this season. Only two artists have returned from my Spring Recap, NCT 127 and THE BOYZ, though they’re both in lower positions than before. The other artists are all appearing for the first time here.

#1 – SHINee
SHINee is my top artist because I’m still catching up with their discography. Oh, what can I say about SHINee that I haven’t said before? I love them. They recently celebrated their 15th anniversary and I could hardly believe it. Fifteen years?! Very few K-Pop groups can boast that.
#2 – Seventeen
I’ve been flirting with Carat-dom for a long time now. In fact, my history with Seventeen closely parallels my journey with NCT. I was introduced to the group through their performance of “Left & Right” on The Kelly Clarkson Show. My first thought was, “Holy crap, that’s a lot of people on stage!” My second thought was, “Wow, these guys are good!” I ended up downloading their entire Heng:garæ album, on which the song appears, from Freegal.
As much as I loved “Left & Right,” however, I had a hard time finding more songs of theirs that I really liked. Nothing was clicking. I thought that Seventeen would be one of those artists that I only like a few songs from…until I started watching their hilariously entertaining YouTube show Going Seventeen. Boom! Everything fell into place. Since then, I’ve learned everyone’s names, developed a bias or five, and begun to enjoy their music more than ever.
#3 – NCT 127
I was shocked to see my beloved Ilichils drop from the top spot. But it’s not their fault. They haven’t released anything new since last year, whereas many other artists, including one of their fellow NCT units, have put out fantastic albums lately. I expect them to bounce back to their rightful place at #1 when they release their new album in October.
#4 – EXO
EXO and I go way back. Along with SHINee and 2NE1, they were one of my earliest favorite K-Pop groups. Pandora used to serve up a bunch of their songs back in the day and I happily ate them up. To this day, I lose my mind any time “Overdose” or “Call Me Baby” comes up in the shuffle. I don’t consider myself to be an EXO-L because I only know their hits and a few B-sides, but I’m very fond of them.
As is my habit, I started revisiting their old music while I waited for their new album to come out. I took the opportunity to familiarize myself with more of their other songs as well.
Yep, I’m still rocking with THE BOYZ. Not only am I still hooked on “ROAR,” but they released a full Japanese album and a Korean EP that were both great. I haven’t regretted stanning them yet.
Top Summer Tracks
There’s a bit of overlap between my Top Summer Tracks and Top Summer Artists lists. Three of the songs here are from two of the artists I just discussed.

#1 – “Super” (Seventeen)
“Super” snuck up on me. I liked it right away, but it took a minute for me to realize exactly how much. I just kept playing the song and watching the music video multiple times a day, completely oblivious to its effect on me. I even bought the song from Amazon’s Download Store when it was on sale for 69 cents.
“Super” has so many winning elements. Woozi killed it with this one! First, the bass thumps nicely in the background. You definitely have to pump up the volume on this one. Second, there’s the catchy-as-hell lyric, “I love my team! I love my crew!” I yell it all the time even though I have neither a team nor a crew. Then there are the references to Son Goku (aka Son O-gong aka the Korean title of “Super”) from the Chinese story Journey To The West. I think of it as the theme song for famous anime characters like Goku from Dragon Ball Z and Goku from Saiyuki who are also based on the character.
The music video really sold it for me. Their layered denim and khaki outfits are so unique, while their traditional black and gold Asian robes are beautiful and elegant. The choreography is impressive too. There are tons of backup dancers in play, but the members never get lost in the crowd.
The best part for me is The 8’s epic cameo. DK flips the camera upwards to the night sky just as a shooting star passes over. When the camera flips back down to the “stage,” there’s The 8, looking all pretty and princely. He does his little part, and then sweeps off like a phantom. I melt every single time.
#2 – “ISTJ” (NCT Dream)
“ISTJ” is the lead single from NCT Dream’s latest album of the same name. While “Broken Melodies” and “Poison” were nice pre-release singles, this song perfectly falls in line with the rest of their iconic title tracks. Its fun, frantic energy hooked me within the first few notes. That bridge, though…wow. That’s where the real magic happens. The music slows down and settles into this dreamy, hypnotic atmosphere. I love it. I swear, they could turn that section into its own hit song.
I enjoyed NCT Dream’s STUDIO CHOOM performance of the song as well. The Dreamies showed up and showed out, for real! Everyone looks yummy, and their footwork is incredible. Renjun in particular gets a lot of time on the center stage for a change. My favorite moment is just after the bridge ends when they all line up, snap their fingers, and stomp their feet to the beat as the lights in the studio blink to their movements. It’s so cool. I immediately hit rewind every time the video finishes.
#3 – “Hard” (SHINee)
“Hard” is the title track of SHINee’s latest album of the same name. To be honest, I wasn’t crazy about it when I first heard the snippets. I wasn’t really feeling its ’90s hip-hop vibe. I wasn’t sure if they could pull it off without it being cheesy. But once the full song and music video came out, I was okay. The hip-hop part is only a small part of the chorus and they carry it off well. I liked it more with every listen.
The bridge is the most memorable part for me (I’m starting to see a pattern with me and bridges). It starts with Taemin singing in that silky, seductive tone of his that never fails to make my heart flutter. Then in the next minute, Onew flips the script by delivering a raw, core-rattling high note that lasts for a good three-count. It’s so powerful. To his credit, Key does an excellent job of covering this part during the live performances in Onew’s absence. His voice doesn’t have as much oomph, but it’s still quite the moment.
#4 – “Juice” (SHINee)
Even though “Hard” eventually grew on me, I still don’t love it as much as I love their second single “Juice.” The lyrics are about a guy who’s trying to explain to a girl that he likes why he likes her and why they would be good together. “I think you like me” is a dangerous line. It’s flirty. I get a stupid smile on my face every time one of them says it, like, “Yes, I do like you.”
The music video is good too. It has a Mad Max feel to it. They’re performing in some kind of post-apocalyptic dome, and everyone is dressed in camo colors—white, beige, dark green, and brown. Just like in Seventeen’s “Super” video, the set is loaded with backup dancers, but Key, Taemin, and Minho are dancing the hell out of that song so hard that I literally can scarcely look at anyone else.
#5 – “Bite Me” (Enhypen)
Enhypen is a new-to-me guy group. I’d heard of them for some time, but I didn’t pay them any mind because I’m already up to my eyeballs in groups. Well, their latest EP changed my mind. YTM featured Dark Blood on its homepage when it was released, so I gave it a listen. I ended up liking almost every song, especially “Bite Me.”
“Bite Me” was an instant like. The song has a deeply gothic feel and leans deeply into vampiric imagery, from its pulsing beat to lyrics like “Just come over and bite me.” It’s also a total earworm, almost impossible to get out of my head once I hear it. And their delivery has so much attitude! My only complaint is that the song is too short. Two verses, two choruses, no bridge. I feel like yelling, “Hey, we just got started!” as the music fades out.
I think I’m going to be listening to more of Enhypen’s music from now on.
Top Summer Albums
Most of the albums that ranked this season aren’t a surprise. I pretty much knew what I’d listened to the most. There is one unexpected addition, though.

#1 – EXIST (EXO)
After a long couple of years of waiting, EXO finally released a new album, EXIST, in July. This was my first proper comeback with the group. I watched the music video for the lead single “Cream Soda” when I woke up that morning and listened to the rest of the album throughout the day.
EXIST does not disappoint! My favorite tracks ended up being “Regret It,” “Private Party,” and “Let Me In.” The only song I don’t like is the pre-release single “Hear Me Out,” which isn’t actually bad, just not to my liking. I wish Kai had been able to participate more, but the group did a fine job on their own.
I really love the mature lead single “Cream Soda.” The way that each of the vocalists say “I need all your cream soda~,” running up and down the scale like it’s nothing, is intoxicating. And of course, Chen absolutely destroys the take-it-home moment as always. The music video is fun too, with the members dressed in their Sunday best as they run amok in a fancy hotel. The best part, however, was watching the EXO crew try to explain the song’s meaning without explaining it during the promotions. I was dying!
#2 – Hard – The 8th Album (SHINee)
Sorry to beat a dead horse, but since this is thee SHINee, you already know that Hard‘s singles are just the tip of its awesomeness iceberg. All of the other songs on the album are terrific too.
Besides “Hard” and “Juice,” “Satellite” and “Insomnia” are my top favorites. They’ve both got that trademark SHINee sound that tickles something in my soul, though they’re on opposite ends of the group’s musical spectrum, groovy and sensual respectively.
I’m kinda hoping for an album repackage (for once), but that seems unlikely at this point.
The rookie guy group TNX (aka The New Six) has been on my radar since they debuted a couple of years ago. I noted their talent and potential right away. As time’s gone on, they’ve steadily improved and evolved, but they’ve had problems sticking the landing. Their first EP, Way Up, had an incredible lead single (“Move”) with mostly weak B-sides, while their second EP, Love Never Dies, had a lackluster lead single (“Love Or Die”) and outstanding B-sides.
Now here we are with their third EP, BOYHOOD. It is unquestionably their best release yet. They finally achieved both a hit lead single with the sweet hip-hop throwback “Kick It 4 Now” and a collection of fantastic B-sides like my personal fave “By You.” On top of that, they seem to finally be gaining the public attention that they deserve. My fingers are crossed that they continue on this trajectory.
#4 – Shalala (Taeyong)
I was so happy when Taeyong, the handsome Head Neo himself, released his first solo EP. For one thing, he absolutely deserves it. He has worked his tail off as the face and leader of NCT for years, and from what I can tell, he’s done a stellar job of it. Moreover, I’ve enjoyed his past solo work such as his single “Long Flight,” his performance video for “Ghost,” and his guest spot on TVXQ’s U-Know’s “City Lights,” to name a few. I knew the album was going to be fire.
Enter Shalala. While the songs on the album skillfully run the gamut of styles and situations, the title track, also called “Shalala,” outshines them all to me. In fact, it almost ranked as one of my Top Summer Tracks, falling just short of the list at #6. I think it’s the perfect representation of Taeyong himself, as well as a thoughtful anthem about being yourself and owning your talents.
“Shalala” is so catchy and playful! I like how the beat frequently changes in both large and subtle ways. There’s the “I’m really good at entertaining” part where the beat drops out and Tae briefly switches from rapping to singing. Then there’s the “Cash it out/Camera flashing…” part where the beat picks up and gains some extra bass. The variations keep things fresh and exciting. And don’t get me started on that insane music video! I can’t wait to see what he comes up with next time.
#5 – Fame (Han Seung Woo)
If you recall, VICTON ranked on my Top Winter Tracks for their song “VIRUS.” Well, I liked that song so much that I started checking out their other work and getting to know them better. During my research, I learned that the group’s leader, Han Seung Woo, has released a few solo albums (two at that time, with a third one recently released). I decided to give them a listen because 1) I was curious about what kind of music he makes on his own, and 2) solos help me learn to identify the group members’ voices.
I started with Seung Woo’s first EP, Fame, which came out in 2020. What a pleasant surprise! I liked every song on there, especially the lead single “Sacrifice.” Seung Woo is a great singer with a unique-sounding voice, both traits that I always appreciate. I immediately recognized his vocals from VICTON’s older songs. I’m still working through his second and third EPs, but I think that he has a bright solo career ahead of him. I’ll be watching.
Top Summer Playlists
My top playlists are a nice mix of ones you’ve seen before and ones that I recently made.

#1 – New Stuff
This new playlist is where I put albums and songs that were recently released. So much good music has been coming out that I have a hard time deciding what I want to listen to at any given moment, so I put them all on here and hit “Shuffle.” I often edit the playlist, adding more new stuff and deleting stuff that I’m bored with.
#2 – NCTzen
As I explained last season, this playlist is a mix of my favorite songs from all of the NCT units. It has grown quite a bit because I started adding songs that I own to the list.
#3 – Shawol
Like I said before, I’m still familiarizing myself with SHINee’s back catalog. I had been listening to Spotify’s “This is SHINee” playlist for that purpose, but it was missing too many important songs. So I compiled my own playlist on YTM with all of SHINee and its members’ albums. It currently contains 317 tracks, the most of any of my playlists.
#4 – KingMe
KingMe holds all of the group Kingdom’s albums. Not to be confused with King Title Tracks, my playlist for Kingdom’s music videos, which ranked last season.
#5 – Missing MX
Although I’ve collected all of MONSTA X’s Korean releases since Take.1 Are You There?, I’m missing a lot of their early stuff. Well, I found out the other day that I’m missing a lot more albums than I thought, including their Japanese releases. I created this playlist to keep track of those omissions and to familiarize myself with the songs that I don’t know.
Final Notes
The release date of the Summer Recap completely ruined my theory that the recaps come out on or around the first day of every season. The Winter Recap was released on March 25, a few days after the first day of spring. The Spring Recap came out on June 21, the actual first day of summer. I had expected the Summer Recap to come out around September 23, the first day of fall, but it came out a whole month early.
Now I have no idea when to expect the Fall Recap. I noticed that the recaps also seem to come every two months. If that pattern holds, then it might drop sometime in October. Since the 2022 Recap came out at the end of November last year, this year’s one will probably drop around the same time or in early December. We’ll see.
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